Monday, March 12, 2012

March 2012 Spring Has Sprung!

Hello Everyone,

What a odd winter? It was the opposite of last year. Now March feels like summer. What's going on?

Currently I am on the hunt for new venues. I have applied; networked, emailed and met up with new contacts. I am hopeful that some exciting things will come out of it.

I am marching into the new year with a push of positivity fueling me along. Spring is the time of rebirth, renewal and mud puddles. I have my Norwegian wellies to break in. With the early return of warm weather there has been an upbeat energy in the air which has my creative energy flowing. Where will this take me? Painting something red? Or will I adding a few new scrappers to my painting toolbox. How about trying out new fancy paint products. What ever it may be only time will tell.